All eyes were set on Casa De Luna. A group of us wanted to get there and my 2 buddies Lucas and Bones wanted to attempt the 24-24-24 Challenge. Like most challenges, they made no sence and you were required to make an ass of yourself and prove your worth as a hiker, or a man, or something like that. The test was to walk from Hiker Heaven to Casa De Luna, a distance of 24 miles, while consuming 24 beers, and completing this feat within 24 hours. Did I mention this is all on the DL?!
I of course agreed to go along and babysit as the voice of reason. Honestly to get some good pics and video of the whole thing! We set out, stopping at the grocery store where both fellas loaded up with 24 beers and we were off. They cracked the first beer where Section D started, and we were off. We chatted as they went, took the pictures, video interviews of course. Both seemed pretty confident and dedicated, only 2 beers in of course.
We finally got off the road and back onto dirt trails. WE rekked on with a good pace. Bones had sent his food forward to Casa De Luna, Lucas decided to carry everything. I was surprised at how quick they still moved. The fog was waiting in the moutins for us and soon engufed us as it did me the day before.
They drank on and we chatted about all kinds of subjects. Eight miles in we took our first break and it seemed like a huge portion of hiker heaven had been released. WE saw at least 20 peopel come through all buzzing about the challenge, everyone in good spirits. They had drank 10 beers before 10 am and were pretty proud. The fog burned off and I new the hardest part of the day awaited us.
The sun started beaming down and we walked on. The laughter and chattiness wore off as they approached beer #16, and I knew they both needed to drinlk wter, I forced them both the chug half a liter. WE hiked on and the gain stared to pick up as we did. Lucas got this idea in his head about the perfect place to hang out and relax for a few hours while trying to have a few more beers from the sun. Ever tried to be the voice of reason to a guy 16 beers in? Let me save you the time, dont try!
It became pretty obessed in his mission, and after me asking him to take a 5 minute break while I take care of busniness of my own, he delaired it wasn’t personal and pressed on. At this point I deemed they were on their own. I found them a few miles later, huddles up in the spot he recalled. Crushed beer cans and a look of relaxed pride after finding his paradise was across Lucases face, Bones was indinfferent. I walked in chatting for a few and finally said y goodbyes to finsih out the last 7 miles of the day.
By the end I caught up to Fugi and Dino (Silver Fox), and I could feel the miles in the bulding of my feet. I was ready to be done. We walked out of the trail, surprosed to find Nancy Pants, a trail Angel, waiting to give us a ride to Casa De Luna! What a treat!
We arrived, and there were tons of hikers. The manaznita forest out back where we all camped was the most impressive bit. After a hug to Terri (she owned the place), a borrowed hawaiian shirt, and some free taco salad dinner I was set. It ws such a nice positive vibe and everyone was happy to be there, a great day indeed!
Trail Angel: Nancy Pants – lived in the town and loved hikers, being one herself. She enjoyed being recieved as someone’s joy at the end of a long day with a free ride and a smile!